Saturday, November 13, 2010

Enter Green Duck


Green Duck: It's an Alannah Hill.
Tiga: Where d'you get it?
Green Duck: Get Sydney.
Tiga: You mean you GOT it in Sydney.  You're a really colorful duck, you know that?
Green Duck: It's in my genes. I'm Lucky Duck.
Tiga: Traveling?
Green Duck: Yes, here, there, everywhere. I fly. Can you?
Tiga: Sadly no. Take me with you?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Spectacular View

Last night, my owner, Aunty Sherry took me driving up the mountain. We looked at the city lights. 

Aunty Sherry asked me, "Would you like to be a human being?"  

I said, "No way. What's good about being a human? I like the way I am. Sorry about that."

Aunty Sherry looked puzzled. 

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Who Am I?

I'm Tiga.
This is my diary.
You could call me a people-watcher.
Here I comment on the humans who pass by.